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Massage counteracts all that sitting you do

 Massage eases muscle pain

Massage soothes anxiety

Massage  improves sleep

Massage boosts immunity

Massage Improves circulation


R 950ph – for plain massage no “extras”

R 1 700- For GFE experience with massage

Massage has a wealth of benefits for the body.

Not only does it relax you, but it also has awesome feel-good benefits.

After a long flight, it relaxes, invigorates, improves circulation and releases toxins from sitting alone helping the lymphatic system to pass them through the system.

Even better, before a long flight, it prepares you, improves circulation, and relaxes the entire body.

In my opinion, there is no better way to spoil yourself and assist your body to cope with the effect of the long haul flight and altitude changes, not to mention boost your immune system, which is a must when so many bacteria are confined in a small area for such a long time.

Your message will be for one hour, this will include
 * Full back and neck & legs (if you have not flown long haul in the past 24 hours)

it is never good to massage the legs directly after a long flight,

it can release clots hence causing a thrombosis

*Reflexology – foot massage 
All with rich, aroma essential oils


When not to do a massage.

Most people can benefit from massage. However, massage may not be appropriate if you have:

Bleeding disorders or taking blood-thinning medication
Burns or healing wounds
Deep vein thrombosis
Severe osteoporosis
Severe thrombocytopenia

it is very important to tell me if you have any medical condition, previous operations, or any prosthesis example, pacemaker, or rods. pins etc


All treatments, services and facilities are intended for general well-being, purposes only and are not intended to be a substitute for professional medical treatment for any condition, medical or otherwise, that the client may have.

Clients agree that all treatments, services and facilities are requested and used at the client’s own risk and that they will have no recourse against the therapist, for any alleged damage or loss arising out of or in connection with the treatments, services and/or facilities.

Clients will also fully indemnify and hold harmless the therapist, from and against all liabilities, claims, expenses, damages and losses, including legal fees (on an indemnity basis), arising out of or in connection with the treatments, services and/or facilities.

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