Knowing how to make a booking and what to expect takes the anxiety away, making it easier to book an appointment with Synclair.
Out Call (Travel Bookings)
This would be when I come to a venue of your choice. (I do not host)
I offer Girl Friend Experience, (GFE) with Full House.
This is where it is like an erotic date full of passion, kissing, caressing etc. Sensual Full Body Massage with relaxing aroma oils with a spectacular ending
Suppose your hotel needs a key card to access the lift to get to your room and you have colleges in the same hotel. In that case, we can make arrangements to pass in the lobby, By simply exchanging wardrobe before, so that we know who to look for, you see me, get up and walk to the lift, and I can discreetly follow, at no time will I even acknowledge you, till we meet in the room, and if someone else is in the hotel corridor, I will pass by the room and return in 2 minutes when the coast is clear.
Alternatively, if you have a second keycard, it can left in an envelope, with my name, at reception. I will just ask on arrival if anything has been left for Ms Synclair, and with your room number and keycard on hand, everything becomes discreet and simple.
If for any reason I need to report at reception, I will address myself as Ms Synclair – be well dressed and groomed, saying please inform Mr X, that I am here for his meeting or appointment.
This is how it works
by clicking on the link to your right “Make a booking”
by either sending an email
for the fastest response email is always best.
You must send me the room number.
If possible I would prefer not to report to reception,
I would rather go directly to your room.
In the case of most upmarket hotels, they have extreme security measures, requiring a keycard to access the lift to get to the relevant floor. I will contact you when I arrive, then sit in the lobby and wait for you to come down and collect me per the arrangements we have made